Umbrella Liability Insurance      


    What happens when your Auto and Home Liability coverage RUNS OUT? Do you have assets at risk? What about a salary that can be garnished? Can you afford to place your financial future at risk?

Don't let a judge and jury decide whether or not you are in debt the rest of your life for an accident. If you have assets to protect, you may need an Umbrella Liability Policy!

An Umbrella Policy is inexpensive- often less that $300 per year. It can provide coverage for up to one, two or even up to five million dollars OVER and ABOVE the liability limits of your basic homeowners and auto policies.




Without enough liability protection, you could lose everything you have worked for your entire life!



You can place all of your PERSONAL liability policies "under the umbrella," including your autos, home, rentals, vacant land, R.V's, boats, etc.  Also, umbrella policies sometimes extend additional coverages not afforded by the underlying policies.


There are some qualifications - and not everyone can get an Umbrella Policy. It also may not be right for you. But take a minute and contact us...we know the right questions to ask.

We can help make sure you are covered properly for the future!

Get an Umbrella Liability Quote

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